International Yoga Day was observed at Saint Mary’s college of Nursing premises on June 21 to raise awareness about the various benefits of practicing yoga. The yoga day was organized…
World Environmental day was observed at Saint Mary’s College of Nursing on 5th June 2023. The SNA representatives organized this beautiful event by way of shramadhana around the hospital campus…
As a part of World No Tobacco Day Saint Mary’s College of Nursing Organized public health education to the people of H.D.Kote and surrounding villages through an role play on…
The theme for 2023 is “Our Nurses. Our Future. International Nurses day honors the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, who is the founder of modern nursing. which is a global celebration. International…
On 25th March 2023 in association with the Aravinda Eye Hospital, Coimbatore the eye camp was organized at St, Mary’s hospital H.D.Kote, Mysore. Around 350 beneficiaries availed benefits of the…
On 29th March 2023 the Students of SMCON presented posters on Anatomy-Physiology and Fundamental of Nursing. A short formal gathering was organized by the Faculty of SMCON during which the…
On 29th march 2023 Saint Mary’s college of Nursing welcomed Rev. Sr. Aruna Kumari the newly appointed Administrator and Nursing faculty to the CON with a short formal function at…
On 21st December 2022 Saint Mary’s College of Nursing along with hospital Staffs and Students joined the campus Christmas celebration. The event was filled with fun togetherness and sharing gifts.…
On December 1st 2022 the World Aids day celebrated at Saint Mary’s Community Health Center by Nursing Assistance and at Govt. Hospital H.D.Kote by 2nd Year B.Sc. Nursing Students. Through…
The first SNA unit spring was formed at Saint Mary’s College of Nursing on 02-12-2022. Under the leadership of SNA adviser Sr. Smitha Assistant Professor and President Prof. Mr. Naveen…