On 20th December 2021 “Nutrition Day” was organized by 1st year B’Sc Nursing students under the able leadership of Sr. Smitha the Assist. Prof(OBG) at Saint Mary’s College of Nursing.…
Outreach programs were put up by the Saint Mary’s college of Nursing on different occasions, to mark the events health education talk and role play were organized by the B’Sc…
A group health education on “DRINKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH” was organized by the 1st B’Sc(N) students at Saint Mary’s Community Health Center at 2.00pm. Ms. Sara M introduced the…
Diwali the festival of light and new beginning and triumph of good over evil and light over darkness was celebrated on 06-11-2021 at college campus. The programe began at 9.30am.…
The Ist Year B.Sc. Nursing students along with faculty and Sanjeevini convent sisters celebrated ONAM on 21/08/2021 at 6.30pm. Ms. Aleena Prince was the master of the ceremony. Mr. Aby…
On 11/07/2021 Lamp Lighting and Oath taking ceremony of Ist BSc. [N] was held at 3pm at conference hall of SMCHC. Rev. Sr. Lilly Fernandes the provincial superior (UFS), Rev. Sr.…
The Inaugural Ceremony of Ist batch (2020-2024) of B.Sc. Nursing course was held on 12/04/2021 at College campus. Rev. Sr. Lilly Fernandes the provincial Superior of Mysore province (UFS). Rev.…
On 01/11/2020 the inauguration and blessing of the Saint Mary’s College of Nursing [SMCON] was held at 3pm, Rev. Dr. K.A William Bishop of Mysore blessed the building, Rev. Sr.…